
Soumyakant Padhee

Ph.D. Candidate, Industrial Engineering (expected May 2023)


21 Worthington St., Unit-2, Boston, Massachusetts, 02120, USA





I'm a PhD candidate in Industrial Engineering at the Multi- AGent Intelligent Complex Systems (MAGICS) Lab at Northeastern University. I use simulations and empirical methods in my research to study patterns of innovation during evolution of technologies and collective decision making in design teams. I ’m advised by Prof. Babak Heydari.

I am fascinated by how innovation, the innovative technology and organizational teams involved in innovation together behave as complex systems and how simple computational experiments provide insights into their behavior. My research focuses on questions at the intersection of organizational design, industrial engineering, and complex systems. It is mainly computational but in future I want to build bridges to various application domains such as hybrid human-machine teams, new product development and implementing sustainable and resilient innovation strategies.

Previously, I graduated with a Master of Science in Business from the Wisconsin School of Business, University of Wisconsin Madison. I have also earned another Master of Science in Production Systems from RWTH Aachen, Germany, and a Bachelor of Technology in Manufacturing Science from VSSUT, Burla, India. I am a certified Six Sigma Black Belt professional and have worked for more than four years in the automobile industry in both emerging economies and high wage countries, with experiences ranging from frontline shop floor leadership to quality assurance, projects implementations to corporate operations strategy and supply chain.